This website is operated by Kodensya Co., Ltd., (hereinafter, “The Company”). Usage of this site implies consent to these terms of use. These terms are subject to change. Make sure the terms are the most recent. This website contains links to websites that are operated by other companies. Usage of these websites is subject to the terms of use of each respective company.
The Company does not unconditionally guarantee the contents of this website for accuracy, validity, definitiveness, safety, or other aspects. The contents of this website are subject to change or deletion. The Company and its affiliates do not make any unconditional guarantee regarding the functionality and safety (in terms of availability and error-free performance) of this website, and may stop or discontinue this website without notice. The Company shall not, for any reason whatsoever, assume responsibility for damages incurred due to errors, changes, or deletions in the content on this website, or due to errors in the functionality of this website, including the temporary or permanent discontinuation of this website.
Any rights relating to company names, trademarks, and emblems used on this website and belonging to the Company, affiliates, and other companies are protected by the Japanese Trademark Law, the Unfair Competition Prevention Law,and other legislature. These company names, trademarks, and emblems may not be used without the permission of the Company, its affiliates, or other companies.
The Company also owns the copyrights to the text, charts, graphics, images, videos, music, etc., in whole and in part (hereinafter, “contents”) that are used on this website, unless otherwise specified. The contents are protected by the Japanese Copyright Law and other applicable legislature. Users may only use such contents under the following conditions.
The Company does not license to users any copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, design rights, or any other intellectual property rights that are related to the contents herein, nor does it guarantee the contents herein. If these contents contain any separate provisions, the user must strictly observe the applicable copyright warning and terms of usage.
No user may conduct or take part in the following activities towards the Company, its directors and employees, or its affiliates (or members thereof), or any other organization:
Links to this website are allowed under the following conditions.
The link must not use the Company’s logo. (Use of the Company’s logo is bound by contract and requires the express permission of the Company.)
Links that obfuscate the identity or mislead third parties about the purpose of this website are strictly prohibited.
Links that fall under the list of General Prohibitions shall not be allowed.
Suggestions submitted by users regarding our products, technology, manufacturing methods, marketing methods, design, and other activities shall not be acknowledged, unless explicitly requested by the Company, unless said suggestion qualifies as a “suggestion that merits consideration.” The user’s understanding in this matter is appreciated.
Users who submit a suggestion, in spite of the foregoing paragraph, that is not deemed as a “suggestion that merits consideration” shall accept that the Company is not obligated to confidentiality or consideration of said suggestion.
The use of this website and the interpretation of these terms of use shall, unless otherwise specified, be based upon the laws of Japan. The Regional District Court where the Company is located shall have exclusive primary jurisdiction over any disputes related to the use of this website unless otherwise specified.
Users who wish to export technology or programs obtained from this website, or any purchased products (including the act of bringing said goods to a foreign country or disclosure to a non-resident in Japan), must adhere to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Acts, and the US Export Administration Regulations, as well as any other applicable legislature.
Websites that are linked from this website, or websites belonging to a third party that is not affiliated with the Company, (hereinafter, “Third-party Link Sites”) shall administer their sites under their own responsibility. The fact that a link exists with this website shall not be construed as a business or other relationship with said Third-party Link Sites, nor shall it be construed as an endorsement for the contents of those sites. The Company shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for the contents and use of Third-party Link Sites.
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